Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) are critical components in a variety of systems, from industrial machinery to consumer electronics. Ensuring these interfaces are user-friendly is paramount, as poor usability can lead to operational inefficiencies, user frustration, and even safety hazards. Usability testing is a key step in the design and development process to ensure that HMIs meet user needs and expectations. This blog post will guide you through the process of conducting effective usability testing for HMIs.

Understanding Usability Testing

Usability testing involves evaluating a product by testing it with representative users. The goal is to observe how real users interact with the HMI, identify usability issues, and gather qualitative and quantitative data to inform design improvements. Unlike other forms of testing that might focus on functionality or performance, usability testing is concerned with how easy and satisfying the system is to use.

Why Usability Testing Matters

Usability testing is essential for several reasons:

  • User Satisfaction: Ensures that users find the system intuitive and satisfying.
  • Efficiency: Identifies design flaws that might cause operational inefficiencies.
  • Safety: In contexts like industrial HMIs, usability issues can lead to accidents or injuries.
  • Cost Savings: Detecting and fixing usability issues early in the design process can save significant costs associated with post-launch fixes and support.

Preparing for Usability Testing

Effective usability testing requires thorough preparation. This includes defining the scope of the test, selecting participants, and designing test tasks.

Define the Scope and Objectives

Start by clearly defining what you want to achieve with your usability testing. Are you looking to identify general usability issues, or are you focused on specific aspects of the HMI, such as navigation or response time? Establishing clear objectives helps in designing the test and interpreting the results.

Select Representative Users

Selecting the right participants is crucial. Your participants should represent the end-users of the HMI. This might include operators, technicians, or casual users, depending on the context. The number of participants can vary, but testing with five to ten users typically uncovers most usability issues.

Design Test Scenarios and Tasks

Create realistic scenarios and tasks that participants will perform during the test. These tasks should reflect typical user interactions with the HMI. For example, if you are testing an industrial control panel, tasks might include starting and stopping a machine, adjusting settings, or responding to alerts.

Conducting the Usability Test

With preparations complete, you can move on to the actual testing. This involves several steps, including setting up the test environment, facilitating the test, and collecting data.

Set Up the Test Environment

Create a controlled environment that simulates real-world conditions as closely as possible. This might involve setting up machinery, software, or other elements that the HMI interacts with. Ensure that all necessary equipment and software are functioning correctly before the test begins.

Facilitate the Test

During the test, your role is to facilitate rather than guide. Provide participants with the tasks and observe their interactions with the HMI. Encourage them to think aloud, verbalizing their thoughts and actions as they navigate the interface. This provides valuable insights into their thought processes and identifies potential usability issues.

Collect Data

Collect both qualitative and quantitative data during the test. Qualitative data includes observations, user comments, and video recordings of the test sessions. Quantitative data might include task completion times, error rates, and the number of times users seek help. Combining these data types gives a comprehensive view of the HMI's usability.

Analyzing and Interpreting Results

After conducting the tests, the next step is to analyze the data to identify usability issues and recommend improvements.

Identify Usability Issues

Review the collected data to identify common problems and patterns. Look for tasks that took longer than expected, areas where users made frequent errors, and points where users expressed confusion or frustration. Categorize these issues based on severity and frequency to prioritize them effectively.

Recommend Improvements

Based on the identified issues, develop recommendations for improving the HMI. These might include changes to the interface layout, modifications to workflows, or additional user training. Ensure that recommendations are actionable and clearly linked to the observed issues.

Communicate Findings

Prepare a comprehensive report that communicates the findings of the usability test. This report should include an overview of the test objectives, methodology, key findings, and recommended improvements. Use visuals such as charts, screenshots, and video clips to illustrate key points. Sharing this report with stakeholders ensures that everyone is informed and aligned on the next steps.

Implementing and Iterating

Usability testing is an iterative process. Implement the recommended changes and conduct follow-up tests to ensure that the issues have been resolved and no new problems have been introduced.

Implement Changes

Work with your design and development teams to implement the recommended changes. Ensure that the changes address the identified issues without negatively impacting other aspects of the HMI.

Conduct Follow-Up Tests

After implementing changes, conduct additional usability tests to verify that the issues have been resolved. Follow-up tests should focus on the areas where changes were made but can also include broader testing to ensure overall usability has improved.

Iterate as Needed

Usability testing is not a one-time activity. Continue to test and refine the HMI throughout its lifecycle, especially when introducing new features or making significant changes. Regular testing helps maintain a high level of usability and user satisfaction.

Best Practices for Usability Testing

To maximize the effectiveness of your usability testing, consider the following best practices:

Involve Stakeholders Early

Engage stakeholders early in the testing process. This ensures that everyone understands the importance of usability and supports the testing efforts. Involving stakeholders early also helps in gathering diverse perspectives and buy-in for the testing process.

Use a Mix of Methods

Combine different usability testing methods to get a comprehensive view of the HMI's usability. In addition to traditional lab testing, consider methods such as remote testing, A/B testing, and heuristic evaluations. Each method provides unique insights and helps in uncovering a wide range of issues.

Focus on Realistic Scenarios

Ensure that the test scenarios and tasks are as realistic as possible. This increases the relevance of the findings and ensures that the identified issues are reflective of actual user interactions. Involve end-users in designing the scenarios to capture their real-world experiences.

Keep the User at the Center

Always prioritize the user's perspective during usability testing. Observe how users interact with the HMI without interference, and resist the urge to explain or guide them. This approach ensures that the test results reflect the true usability of the system.

Document Everything

Thorough documentation is essential for usability testing. Record all sessions, take detailed notes, and collect all relevant data. This documentation is invaluable for analyzing results, communicating findings, and making informed decisions about design changes.


Conducting usability testing for HMIs is a critical step in ensuring that these interfaces are user-friendly, efficient, and safe. By following a structured approach to planning, conducting, and analyzing usability tests, you can identify and address usability issues early in the design process. This not only enhances user satisfaction but also improves operational efficiency and safety. Remember, usability testing is an ongoing process, and regular testing and iteration are key to maintaining a high-quality HMI. By keeping the user at the center of your testing efforts, you can create HMIs that meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 07. May 2024
Reading time: 12 minutes